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Issue: #10 Published: March 1953, Price: 0.10 CAD, Pages: 36, Editing: Harry L. Cohen
Color: Colour Dimensions: Standard Golden Age U.S. Paper Stock: Binding: Saddle-Stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing Series
A vampire-monster from 139,000,000,000,000 AD sends a knife to a 20th century man. This man uses the knife to kill three people whose bodies travel to the future and provide blood for the monster. The knife finally kills the man.
A dying uncle tells his two nephews to destroy a map. They sail off to find the treasure and one brother kills the other. The ghost of the uncle tells the brother to confess his crime. He does and finds out that the uncle murdered his own brother.
A doctor is nearly killed by his assistant and wife. The scarred doctor seeks revenge. He finds his wife stabbed by the assistant, who commits suicide. The doctor brings him back to life to kill him again but is killed by him.
Creatures who only appear in the dark terrorize a woman. Her father is killed by them. An expert on the supernatural destroys the monsters with light from a crystal.