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Issue: #9 Published: January 1953, Price: 0.10 CAD, Pages: 36, Editing:Color: Colour Dimensions: Standard Golden Age U.S. Paper Stock: Binding: Saddle-Stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing Series
An aviator crashes in Haiti. He finds a house of zombies who welcome him in. He and a zombie woman escape the other zombies and their zombie dogs. He chooses to remain in Haiti with his zombie girlfriend.
A man learns that his wife is having an affair. He kills her and her lover and buries them in the basement. En route to Mexico, he picks up a skeleton hitchhiker and is killed.
Three criminals search for pirate gold. One fools the others into thinking he's the ghost of the pirate. The real ghost shows up and kills all three and they sail his pirate ship for eternity.
A writer of horror books has writer's block. He goes to a movie to steal an idea. He falls asleep and when he wakes he's alone in the theater so he runs a movie. He uses the plot for a book but kills himself when the manuscript is rejected.