Issue data by 3Face --- FREELANCE #33, Aug-Sept 1946, 10 Cents, Anglo-American (labelled as Double A Comics), 52 Pages (Looks to me like Ed Furness did all the pencils on the Freelance stories and considering the small number of Canadian artists very likely the inks as well, maybe even the lettering. See Ivan Kocmarek’s Heroes of the Home Front book).
Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page) Featuring: Freelance and Big John punching out Super Six villains, iconic cover Credits: Script: Ted McCall, Pencils: Ed Furness (uncredited), Inks: Ed Furness ? (uncredited) Genre: Adventure Characters: Freelance, Big John Collins
Advertisement (1 page, inside cover, b&w) Featuring: Glo-Crests ad
Advertisement (1 page, splash page) Featuring: Commando Tough body building ad
Comic Story (16 pages) Freelance and the Mysterious Prisoner Featuring: Freelance Synopsis: Freelance and Big John go up against a “ghost army” dressing in stolen uniforms and vehicles to attack and plunder Allied bases. Credits: Script: Ted McCall, Pencils: Ed Furness (uncredited), Inks: Ed Furness ? (uncredited) Genre: Adventure Characters: Freelance, Big John Collins, Major Barnes
Comic Story: (1 page) Sooper Dooper Is Never Lost For Words Featuring: Sooper Dooper Synopsis: Sooper Dooper flummoxes a lecturing professor. Genre: Humour Characters: Sooper Dooper
Text Story (2 pages) Caught Red Handed Synopsis: Smiley Davis clears his name of a mistaken crime. Genre: Humour Mystery Characters: Smiley Davis, Clem Saunders, Jack Conway
Comic Story: (14 pages) Freelance (untitled, “Hillbillies and the Mysterious Storm” my title) Featuring: Freelance Synopsis: In Tennessee, Freelance and Big John uncover a secret plot of the Super Six. Genre: Adventure Characters: Freelance, Big John Collins, Annie Lee Towbridge
Comic Story: (1 page) Sooper Dooper The Nuts Featuring: Sooper Dooper Synopsis: Sooper Dooper politics for Assistant Dog Catcher. Genre: Humour Characters: Sooper Dooper
Comic Story: (12 pages) Freelance in Underground Rockets Featuring: Freelance Synopsis: Freelance and Big John follow up a lead to a Super Six secret underground rocket factory in Germany. Credits: Script: Ted McCall, Pencils: Ed Furness ? (uncredited) Inks: Ed Furness ? (uncredited) Genre: Adventure Characters: Freelance, Big John Collins, Diane King, Bruce Duncan
Advertisement (1 page) Featuring: Sprayberry Radio Training ad Credits: Photograph, drawing, typeset
Advertisement (1 page, inside back cover, b&w) Featuring: How To Get Along With Girls ad Credits: Drawings, typeset
Advertisement (1 page, back cover) Featuring: Schwinn Bicycle ad Credits: Photographs, drawing, typeset |