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Home Canadian Comics Anglo-American Pub Com Ltd. Freelance Comics Freelance Comics v2 #7 (upgrade)
   We are the best site for downloading FREE public domain Golden Age Comics. All files here have been researched by our staff and users to make sure they are copyright free and in the public domain. To start downloading just register an account and enjoy these great comic books. We do not charge per download and the goal of the project is to archive these comic books online and make them widely available.

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Celebrating the 80th Anniversary of Canadian Whites. See the link above.
Published: March-April 1944, Price: 0.10 CAD, Pages: 56 Publisher: Anglo-American (as Double A Comics) Colour: Two colour Black & Red cover; B&W Interior, Dimensions: Standard Golden Age U.S. Paper Stock: Newsprint cover and interior, Binding: Saddle-stitched, Publishing Format: Ongoing

Comic Contents: 3 untitled Freelance stories by Ted McCall & Ed Furness
Cover: Freelance and Big John on a rail rodder shooting at Nazi’s
Credits: Pencils: Ed Furness (uncredited) Inks: Ed Furness (uncredited)
Genre: Adventure
Characters: Freelance, Big John Collins

Comic Story (19 pages) untitled, starts on ifc
Featuring: Freelance & Big John
Synopsis: Freelance and Big John plan the escape of a prisoner from Prison Mort.
Credits: Story by Ted McCall, Drawings by Ed Furness
Genre: Adventure
Characters: Freelance, Big John Collins

Comic Story: (18 pages) untitled
Featuring: Freelance, Big John Collins
Synopsis: Our heroes recover funds stolen by the Nazis to give back to the Yugoslavian resistance and kidnap a Nazi colonel.
Credits: Story by Ted McCall, Illustrated by Edward Furness
Genre: Adventure
Characters: Freelance, Big John Collins

Comic Story: (12 pages)
Featuring: Freelance, Big John Collins and Natasha
Synopsis: The three freedom fighters must destroy a Nazi supply train line that runs through a tunnel in northern Italy.
Credits: Story by Ted McCall, Illustrated by Ed Furness
Genre: Adventure
Characters: Freelance, Big John Collins, Natasha

15-April-2021 5:36 pm
Username: srca1941
Comment: Always good to see another Canadian comic! Thanks! -Eric
15-April-2021 10:30 pm
Username: 3Face
Comment: You're very welcome, Eric! I have a couple more books (not Freelance) to get ready for sharing. Thanks Yoc for the assist! Freelance is a terrific character and comic. Yay Canada's 80th Anniversary!
18-April-2021 6:23 am
Username: 3Face
Comment: Canada's Golden Age ran from 1941 to 1946. On the "extra features" last page the 80th Anniversary logo designed by Salgood Sam (c) to Society for the Promotion of Canadian Comics 2020.

Volume: #2, Issue: #7
Published: March-April 1944, Price: 0.10 CAD, Pages: 56, Editing:
Color: Black And White Cover Later Colour Cover; Black And White Interior Dimensions: Standard Golden Age U. S. Paper Stock: Newsprint Binding: Saddle-stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing
Notes: Indexed from scanned copy at https://digitalcomicmuseum.com
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page)
Featuring: Freelance
Credits: Letters: Betty Mercer ?
Genre: Adventure
Characters: Freelance Big John Collins

Comic Story (19 pages)
Featuring: Freelance
Synopsis: Freelance and Big John break into a Nazi prison to rescue French resistance members.
Genre: Adventure
Characters: Freelance Big John Collins

Comic Story (18 pages)
Featuring: Freelance
Synopsis: Freelance recovers money stolen by the Nazis and gifts it to Dimitri, a freedom fighter from Yugoslavia.
Genre: Adventure
Characters: Freelance Big John Collins Dimitri Fritz Von Bick

Comic Story (17 pages)
Featuring: Freelance
Synopsis: Freelance, Big John and their Russian ally Natasha locate a Nazi railway tunnel in Italy and send its location to the British to target for destruction.
Genre: Adventure
Characters: Freelance Big John Collins Natasha General Schmidt

Promo (ad From The Publisher) (1 page)
Featuring: Freelance
Genre: Adventure
Characters: Freelance

  The data in the above section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database™ under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

Home Canadian Comics Anglo-American Pub Com Ltd. Freelance Comics Freelance Comics v2 #7 (upgrade)
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