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Issue: #69 Published: August 1947, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 52, Editing: George Brenner
Color: Color Dimensions: Standard Golden Age US Paper Stock: Glossy Covers; Newsprint Interiors Binding: Saddle-stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing Series
Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page)
Can Plastic Man Outstretch Stretcho?
Plastic Man
Pencils: Jack Cole (signed) | Inks: Jack Cole (signed)
Plastic Man faces an India rubber man who is nearly as adept as Plas in contorting his body, but who has limits and can feel pain if he stretches too far. Stretcho fears that Plastic Man would steal his thunder and income at the circus where he was a featured attraction.
Script: Jack Cole (signed) | Pencils: Jack Cole (signed) | Inks: Jack Cole (signed) | Letters: Jack Cole ?