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Home Canadian Comics Superior Journey Into Fear Journey Into Fear 007
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7-April-2020 7:26 am
Username: ghmcleod
Comment: Thank You

Issue: #7
Published: May 1952, Price: 0.10 CAD, Pages: 36, Editing:
Color: Colour Dimensions: Standard Golden Age U. S. Paper Stock: Binding: Saddle-stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing Series
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page)
Genre: Horror-suspense

Comic Story (8 pages) Death is My Hobby
Synopsis: A man finds the Devil's Handbook at a bookstore. He summons a demon who obeys his wishes to kill evil heads of state. When his fiance finds out, he asks the demon to kill her. The demon refuses and kills the man instead.
Genre: Horror-suspense

Comic Story (6 pages) The Werewolf Lurks
Synopsis: A werewolf is killing women in New York City. He is killed by the police.
Genre: Horror-suspense

Text Story (2 pages) Claws of Revenge
Featuring: Ghost Clinic
Credits: Script: Doctor Shade
Genre: Horror-suspense

Comic Story (7 pages) Terror without Name
Synopsis: Scientists discover a giant radioactive man whose legs are embedded in the ground. Efforts to destroy the monster are unsuccessful but enrage him so that he frees his legs. He turns into a mountain when he breaks contact with the radioactive ground.
Genre: Horror-suspense

Comic Story (9 pages) Haunt from the Sea
Synopsis: A castaway is saved by a sea creature who gives her a necklace. She escapes and sets sail on a raft but chokes to death because the seaweed used in the necklace shrinks in the sun. Her body is found, dumped in the sea, and taken by the sea creature.
Genre: Horror-suspense
Characters: Marion Banks

  The data in the above section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database™ under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

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